You’ve asked for an easier way to get information about how to use MediaHint and we listened! We’re pleased to announce the launch of the MediaHint Support site – https://mediahint.com/support.
We’ll be sharing helpful setup information for both Chrome and Firefox, plus a list of channels supported by MediaHint which we’ll update frequently. Don’t miss the blog where you can read about new product features, our recommendations for great videos and content to enjoy and tons more.
We’ve started the Help Center as a resource for questions related to using your MediaHint subscription, billing questions and general troubleshooting information. We’ll be adding help topics often based on your questions and feedback.
Looking for something we’ve missed? Share your feedback by logging to https://mediahint.com and click “Contact Support” at the bottom so we can make this support site everything you need it to be!
Thanks for being part of the MediaHint family!